Helping to create a sustainable future

Helping to create a sustainable future

Integra Windows and Doors provides energy-efficient building materials to aid building-code compliance. As the Australian government pushes for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, major restrictions are being implemented across a number of sectors. The construction...
Protect your sydney home with uPVC window & door security

Protect your sydney home with uPVC window & door security

Whether we are at home with our family, or out and about and our home is sat empty, we want to ensure that our home is as safe and secure as possible. You want to be able to go to bed at night knowing that your property is secure and you can sleep soundly. You want to...
uPVC – A modern, recyclable material for the 21st century

uPVC – A modern, recyclable material for the 21st century

As consumers we are constantly evolving. We used to make a phone call to book a taxi and wait patiently for it outside of our home, anticipating an estimated time of arrival from an unknown driver. Now we simply log onto a rideshare app, make an informed choice about...
Is it time to replace your windows? A checklist

Is it time to replace your windows? A checklist

Our home is a place to relax and unwind. It’s a place we spend time with our families and friends. Taking the chance to watch our favourite TV show on an evening or curl up with a good book. It’s our safe haven. There are two types of homeowners; those who are happy...
A guide to door types for your home

A guide to door types for your home

We recently published A Guide to Window Types for Your Home; so we thought we should naturally follow that up with A Guide to Door Types for Your Home! Deciding on new doors for your home can be an equally daunting task, even if it is a simple entry door or as...
Choosing the right colour for your uPVC windows and doors

Choosing the right colour for your uPVC windows and doors

Choosing the right colours for your windows and doors can be a daunting task. If you had wooden windows or doors you were afforded an array of colour options, and due to the nature of the material you could always change the colour if you wish (although this sounds a...
A guide to window types for your home

A guide to window types for your home

Deciding on new windows for your home may be an easy decision to make (depending on the state your current windows have managed to get themselves into over the years!), but choosing the window type you want to replace your existing windows with is where the decision...
5 things to consider when choosing new windows

5 things to consider when choosing new windows

So you’re looking for new windows for your home, but have never done this before and want a little guidance. Or you may want to know the latest technologies available or what other people are considering when they are making their decisions. Today’s blog will help you...
uPVC windows VS wood VS aluminium

uPVC windows VS wood VS aluminium

Windows and doors – we see them (and use them) every day but, for most of us, we don’t need to consider what material they are made from, unless that is we are considering replacing windows for our property, or even choosing the windows/doors for a new building...