
Whether we are at home with our family, or out and about and our home is sat empty, we want to ensure that our home is as safe and secure as possible. You want to be able to go to bed at night knowing that your property is secure and you can sleep soundly. You want to be able to know that when you leave for a holiday that your locks on your windows and doors will keep your valued possessions inside of your home safe.

When you think of an entry point to your home you automatically think of entering through a door. If you are locked out of your home, the first thing that would normally come to mind is have you left a window open that you could possibly enter through. So the way we protect our homes or properties is ensuring that our windows and doors are secure.

uPVC Windows And Security
We are often asked how secure uPVC double glazed windows are in comparison to more traditional windows found in Sydney, such as aluminium or timber. This is generally down to the misconception that uPVC as a material is weaker than its counterparts and that it would make it less secure. However that most certainly isn’t the case.

  • Inside of uPVC window frames is reinforced steel.
  • uPVC windows and doors are fitted with multiple locking mechanisms, which not only contribute to improved thermal insulation, but provide a much higher level of security. In order for an intruder (or if you managed to lock yourself out!) to enter through your windows or doors they would have to break at least 2 – 3 locks to gain entry.
  • The secure locking hardware is installed throughout the entire height of the operable part of the window/door.

The most secure window you could choose for your home is the tilt and turn window. The reason for this is that the hardware is installed around the entire operable sash, meaning when you turn the handle all of the locks are activated at the same time. This makes it easy to open and operate the window, whilst at the same time making the window one of the hardest to penetrate from the outside.

Another example of how uPVC double glazed windows have superior security features in comparison to other available window options is the sliding window. Regular sliding windows typically only have one latch which is used to engage the handles. Whereas uPVC sliding windows are equipped with at least 2 – 4 locking points (and a key lock).

Upvc Doors And Security
As with uPVC windows, uPVC doors boast incredible security features that can mean you can leave your home in full confidence when you turn the lock on that door. The most secure door available would be a hinged door. The hardware on a hinged door works just as a usual spring loaded door handle would, but when you pull the handle up it activates extra locking points. It is these extra locking points to provide the additional security features.

Does Double Glazing Provide Extra Security?
So we’ve established that uPVC frames and locking mechanisms offer superior security to more traditional window and door options. But double glazing alone also offers additional security for the main entry points to your property. Double glazing makes glass sturdier and less likely to break. Plus there are two panes of glass to be broken, not just one. This makes breaking in through a window much more difficult, time consuming and noisey, creating a more secure window.

Double glazed windows also offer safety glass options, such as laminated glass. Laminated glass is even harder to break than a normal pane of glass; the lamination means the glass will break with a crack, stopping it from shattering (creating a ‘spider web look’).

Although the seals used for uPVC window installation is not there for security, but for thermal efficiency, it provides that additional barrier to entry that traditional materials such as timber or aluminium can’t.

If you would like to know more about the security mechanisms used for double glazed windows or uPVC doors, contact our team today who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


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