
Having kids changes your life forever. You are now responsible for a defenceless little human, who is looking to you for guidance every day and you have to provide safety and shelter. Your life changes, you now have to coordinate a trip out of the house, as opposed to those last-minute plans you took for granted. You have to buy new supplies in the weekly grocery shop that you probably didn’t even realise existed before. And last but not least, you need to make significant changes to your home to make it ‘baby proof’ and then ‘child friendly’. No more sharp edges and corners, ornaments that are easy to pick up with little hands and break, or easy to reach chemicals in low cupboards that could be fatal. And most importantly, windows and doors that will keep your little one safely inside your home.

Kid Safe Window Options For Your Home

Have you stopped to think about how safe the windows in your home are for your little one/s? Are they high enough that you deem them safe for your small ones, forgetting that little ones grow very quickly? Or have you considered the mechanisms and their little fingers? Now is the time to start considering your options. Children between the ages of 1-5 are at most risk, as they don’t perceive the risk of an open window and are naturally curious at this age.

Let’s look at some window styles that will allow for that much-needed light and ventilation into your rooms at home, whilst still being safe options for your little ones when you can’t have your eyes on them 24 hours of the day.

Awning Windows

uPVC awning windows hinge from the top and open outwards, meaning you can allow fresh air to fill the room (and nasty odours to escape!) without the worry that your little one might get a little too close for comfort to the open window. Awning windows have a limited range, meaning they are not only great for all weather conditions (raining outside? No problem), but kids wouldn’t be able to reach let along squeeze themselves out of the limited opening space.

Choose from a range of fixed panes of glass to maximise the style and light in your room, and limit the opening space to keep the kids safe at all times. Of course, different window options can be created depending on the room of your home, so you don’t have to limit all spaces to one particular style, just the ones that you need to based on your families needs.

Tilt Turn Windows

You may be questioning our suggestion here, given that tilt turn windows are hinged on one side so that they can open outwardly. But this isn’t the only way that uPVC tilt turn windows can open, they can also tilt vertically, allowing a way to bring fresh air into a room whilst maintaining a safe open space for a child. This versatility means that you have different options for your windows in your home, which can change as your children grow.

uPVC Window Safety

uPVC windows and doors have built-in safety mechanisms, meaning they are a safe and secure option for your home. All window types can be easily locked so that your little ones can’t open them without you knowing. The uPVC double glazing technology means that window panes are securely fitted within the window frame, unlike other materials where window panes can become loose and dangerous to younger children who may not realise how delicate a single pane of glass can be.

If you are concerned about the window safety of your home and would like to know how you can introduce kid safe window options, then contact our team of experts at Integra Windows today who will be able to guide you through the best choices for your home.


Submit an online quote enquiry and we’ll be in touch and discuss the quote in more detail. Once all the relevant project details are obtained, we will be able to provide you with a final detailed quote.